David Hodes is a Founder and Co-Managing Partner of Hodes Weill & Associates, a global real estate advisory boutique with offices in New York, London, Amsterdam and Hong Kong. Now entering its 15th year, Hodes Weill has a unique focus on the private equity real estate fund management industry. David has built a 45-year career in institutional real estate, advising many of the largest global real estate investment managers and institutional investors with regard to their businesses, investment programs and portfolios.
Previously, David co headed the Real Estate Investments Group at Credit Suisse, where he and his co-founder, Doug Weill, oversaw global real estate investment businesses that comprised over $40 billion of AUM on behalf of institutional and HNW party investors. He has also managed business units at other companies including Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Morgan Stanley and The Yarmouth Group.
David has been a prominent writer and speaker at industry forums on institutional real estate throughout his career, including the Urban Land Institute, NCREIF, NAREIT, NYU and Columbia Real Estate Centers, INREV, ANREV and the Pension Real Estate Association, where he has also served on the Board. He is a regular guest lecturer at Columbia University as well as at his alma mater, Brandeis University, where he is a University Fellow, and a former-co chair (and current member) of the Board of Advisors of the Brandeis International Business School. David is also a Trustee of the Grand Canyon Trust, a 40-year-old organization whose mission is to safeguard the environment of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River Plateau, while supporting the rights of its Native people.